''For a life full of love, understanding and balance''

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why does my cat pee outside the litter box?

    This can be due to a number of reasons, such as stress, medical problems, a dirty or unsuitable litter box, or territorial behavior. A visit to the vet and optimizing the litter box situation can help.

  • Why does my cat scratch furniture?

    Scratching is a natural behavior for cats to maintain their claws and mark their territory. Provide plenty of scratching posts and place them in strategic locations.

  • Why does my cat meow so much at night?

    This could be due to boredom, hunger, attention seeking or even a medical issue. Provide a good play schedule during the day and check for an underlying cause.

  • How can I get my cat used to a new cat or pet?

    A slow introduction is essential. Keep the animals separated at first and gradually let them get used to each other's scent before they meet.

  • Why is my cat suddenly eating less or not at all?

    Decreased appetite may indicate stress, fussiness or a medical problem. Consult a veterinarian if it persists for more than 24 hours.

  • How do I stop my cat from nibbling on plants?

    Provide safe alternatives such as cat grass and keep poisonous plants out of reach. Consider using scents that cats don't like, such as citrus.

  • Why is my cat suddenly hiding a lot?

    This could be a sign of stress, anxiety or illness. Observe the behavior and provide a safe, calm environment.

  • Why is my cat suddenly running around the house like he's being chased?

    This is also known as the "crazy five minutes." Cats have sudden bursts of energy, often to release pent-up energy. This is completely normal behavior.

  • Why does my cat suddenly lick or bite me when I pet him?

    This could be a sign that your cat is becoming overstimulated. Some cats only enjoy petting for a short time and show this by licking or biting softly. Pay attention to body language such as swishing tails or flattened ears.

  • Why does my cat's tail twitch when he sees me?

    A vibrating tail up often means that your cat is happy to see you and excited. This is a positive sign of affection.

  • Why does my cat scratch at the door when I'm in a room?

    Cats don't like closed doors and want to know what's on the other side. They may also be seeking attention or signaling that they want to come inside.

  • Why does my cat eat plastic, wool or other strange things?

    This could indicate a condition called pica, which can be caused by stress, boredom or an underlying health issue. Provide plenty of distractions and consult a vet if it occurs frequently.

  • Why does my cat knock over his water bowl or play with water?

    Some cats find moving water more attractive than still water. A water fountain can help if your cat enjoys playing with water.

  • Why does my cat purr but still seem angry or stressed?

    Purring is often associated with contentment, but cats can also purr when they are in pain or nervous. Pay attention to other body language to determine how your cat is really feeling.

  • Why does my cat eat grass?

    Cats sometimes eat grass to aid their digestion or to get rid of hairballs. Make sure they have safe cat grass and don't eat poisonous plants.

  • Why does my cat follow me everywhere in the house?

    Some cats are very attached to their owners and enjoy being around them. It can also mean they are curious or hungry.

  • Why does my cat roll on his back when he sees me?

    This is usually a sign of trust and relaxation. It does not always mean that you can pet his belly, as many cats do not like that.

  • Why does my cat hide when visitors come?

    Many cats do not like change and may hide out of fear or stress. Give your cat time to decide when to come out.

  • Why does my cat wiggle his butt before he jumps?

    This is an instinctive preparation for a jump or attack, where your cat tenses his muscles for maximum power and precision.

  • Why does my cat sleep on my pillow or in my bed?

    Cats seek out warm, comfortable and safe places. When they sleep with you, they see you as a trusted family member.

  • Why does my cat lick blankets or fabric?

    This may be a comforting behavior from kittenhood. If it becomes obsessive, it may indicate stress or a behavioral problem.

  • Why does my cat play or meow in the middle of the night?

    Cats are naturally crepuscular and can be more active at night. More play during the day and a regular feeding schedule can help.

  • Why does my cat growl or hiss at me or other animals?

    This is a warning sign that your cat is feeling threatened, scared or irritated. It is best to leave him alone at this point.

  • Why does my cat like to sit in boxes?

    Boxes provide a safe, enclosed space for cats to hide and relax, giving them a sense of control and protection.

  • Why does my cat lick itself so much?

    Normal washing is fine, but excessive licking can indicate stress, allergies or skin problems. If your cat gets bald spots, a visit to the vet is advisable.

  • Why does my cat shake when he sleeps?

    This could be a sign that he is dreaming. Small tremors are normal, but if it is intense or accompanied by other symptoms, something else could be going on.

  • Why does my cat smell my face?

    Cats use scent to gather information. Your face smells familiar and contains a lot of scent information, which helps them recognize you.

  • Why does my cat hide when he is not feeling well?

    Sick cats often seek out a quiet, safe place to hide. This is a survival instinct. If your cat suddenly hides a lot, a visit to the vet may be necessary.

  • Why does my cat shake his head?

    Occasional shaking is normal, but if it happens often it could indicate ear infections, mites, or allergies.

  • Why does my cat sleep so much during the day?

    Cats sleep an average of 12-16 hours a day. This is normal, as they are natural hunters and save their energy for active moments.

  • Why does my cat smell my shoes or clothes when I come home?

    Cats collect scent information to understand where you've been. Your scent tells them a lot about your day.

  • Why does my cat bite electrical cords or wires?

    This could be playful behavior, boredom, or a health issue like pica. Provide cable protection and plenty of toys.

  • Why does my cat seem to 'talk' to birds by chattering its teeth?

    This is called chattering and is an instinctive response to excitement or frustration at the sight of prey.

  • Why does my cat's behavior change when I get a new pet or baby?

    Changes in the environment can cause stress. Introduce new housemates slowly and give your cat extra attention.

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