''For a life full of love, understanding and balance''

Toy ring

72,96 €

Includes 21% tax
Total price might change based on shipping location

Does your cat have behavioral problems such as scratching furniture,

Nocturnal meowing or entering unwanted places? Our behavior package helps with

analyzing and addressing these challenges with an effective approach.

What can you expect?

Free intake interview

We discuss your cat's behavior and determine the best approach.

1x Video consultation – An in-depth consultation in which we map out the behavior

bring and provide practical solutions.

Back to Basic advice plan – A plan with clear, achievable steps for

behavioral change.

Exclusive WhatsApp service (1 month) – Personal guidance and

direct support for questions or new developments.

This online package is not only aimed at solving

behavioral problems, but also helps strengthen the bond between you and your

cat. Together we create a peaceful and harmonious home environment.

Suitable for any cat owner who strives for balance

and understanding!

I want to have multiple cats chipped

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