Feliway Friends Diffuser Refill
Feliway Friends helps cats get to know each other for the first time. Feliway® contains a special pheromone, the 'face pheromone', which has a calming effect on cats. When this pheromone is spread near a cat, it mimics the natural face or face pheromone, which makes the cat feel reassured. This helps to prevent or reduce unwanted marking behaviour.
To help cats feel safe and relaxed during their introduction, it is recommended to use Feliway Friends for at least one month. This reduces the chance that the cats will see each other as a threat and increases the chance that they will build a good bond together.
The new Feliway® Friends Starter Kit with refill has an improved formula that evaporates at a lower temperature. In addition, Feliway® is now more energy efficient and has a more elegant design.
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